How to Write Blog Posts Faster: 23 Easy Ways To Get Your Content Published

Understanding how to write blog posts faster is key to maximizing a business’s growth and success.
Content writers, like you and me, recognize that finding time to write can be hard, and increasing productivity can seem even more challenging.
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Not only is there heavy research to do for content marketing, but we have to muster up the energy to dedicate time to the actual writing — while making it stand out.
Then, we have to do this over and over again.
As a fellow writer, I want to help you get out of the rut. Keep reading to learn how to write blog posts faster with 23 of my best tips to increase productivity.
Time to grab some coffee and get writing? See, we are already increasing our productivity.
Tip #1 – Set Up a Content Calendar
Before we even begin writing for our blog, it’s important to see the path ahead with clarity.
For example, when I find myself having multiple projects to work on, it can be helpful to set up a content calendar so I can see the end in sight.
You may find this helpful as well.
When setting up a content or editorial calendar, consider creating a spreadsheet of your projects, a calendar of deadlines, and even a bright color-coded format to guide you.
Color coding is optional, but can be a fun way to stay on track with writing goals!
There are so many different content calendar guidelines out there, however, I find HubSpot really nails it.
To truly be productive, you have to have a clear vision for your content. Have fun creating your content calendar!
Tip #2 – Block Your Calendar
Once the content calendar is filled, we’ll have a better vision of how all of the blog content will work together overall.
But don’t be overwhelmed by what you see!
My best advice is to break your calendar out into blocked times when you know you can be available.
If your calendar is looking tight, you will need to adjust your content schedule.
It’s completely alright to break out writing times in smaller chunks rather than large windows of time.
For instance, if I know I need thirty-minute increments, I’ll block them out accordingly.
Just remember, everyone has different lifestyles and work styles, so find what works best for you.
If you will be more productive writing for four straight hours, go for it!
Keep a blog post checklist (or cheatsheet) on hand to make the most of your time.
Tip #3 – Take Small Steps
One of the most difficult parts of writing for me is when I sit down to a blank page and I have multiple tasks to complete.
This is when blogging can feel overwhelming, right?
This is why we need the motivation to be productive when learning how to write blog posts faster.
Since we can only write one word at a time, it’s important to remember to take smaller steps.
Breaking out your content into smaller chunks will help your brain to compute each piece separately.
Remember the last time you worked on a 1000-piece puzzle?
It was easier to solve when you worked on the edges first and then moved on to another part of the puzzle.
Learning how to write blog posts faster is executed similarly — by taking it one step at a time.
When you are done you can look back and be proud you tackled that big piece! After all, the journey begins with one step.
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Tip #4 – Write How You Talk
I’ve found that your writing voice and tone are critical when crafting a piece of blog content.
If we want to be productive while writing, our writing will need to have a balance between being too formal and being too real.
The simple lesson is to write how you talk. Does it seem too simple to be effective? Well, time yourself the next time you are writing your next blog post.
I’ve realized that when I am writing naturally, I will write faster.
If you are trying to write in a formal tone, your brain will take a little longer to go through the writing process.
However, if you write how you talk (without the slang), you will find it flows out of you, increasing your productivity and making your content better. It’s a win-win!
Writing how you talk will also resonate better with your audience, trust me.
Tip #5 – Take Notes
Taking notes to shorten your writing workflow may sound counterintuitive to increasing productivity as note-taking requires more time. However, hear me out.
Note-taking is a science that’s proven to help us break down the information in our brains before putting it all together.
Taking notes does not have to be very in-depth. It doesn’t have to be pretty, although there are some very pretty notepads out there.
Scrawling out a few notes on the article before writing your next blog post can help to piece together your content much easier.
Take some notes and see where it takes you. Your notes could even spark creativity for a new piece.
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Tip #6 – Know Your Audience
Learning how to write blog posts faster does not mean you can skimp on your research.
I believe that being an engaging writer means you are in tune with your audience.
I’ve found several different tools that can help us know our audience better.
If you are in the world of content marketing, you may have used some well-known tools to learn more about how is reading your content, such as:
- Google Analytics
- BuzzSumo
- Moz
- Ahrefs
- SEMRush
If you are wondering, learning how to write blog posts faster, still requires you to do your homework!
Tip #7 – Create an Outline
Everyone writes differently. I’m not trying to tell you how to write, I’m sharing with you how to write blog posts faster.
Creating an outline oftentimes helps me with that!
I’ve found that the best way to create an outline for a blog post is to build out the headings first.
Content marketing basics state that you should have an outline before writing your content anyways.
Here’s how to do that:
- Break out all the headings based on the topics you have chosen.
- Break out subheadings if needed.
- Then, break out the coffee, because it’s time to write.
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Tip #8 – Prepare Your Meals
This may seem very silly, but a writer’s got to eat!
Eating prior to writing can fuel the brain to write faster, better, and with more vigor.
The brain needs fuel to survive, but that doesn’t mean that you have time to sit down to a full-course meal.
In my personal experience, I like to meal prep ahead of my blog post deadlines.
It helps because I eliminate having to cook or do dishes on my to-do list — which gives me more time to be productive on writing days.
Take a Sunday, prepare your meals for the week, and voila!
You’ll find that you have freed up time to write faster. After all, preparation is everything.
Tip #9 – Sit, Stand and Move
I recently read a quote from Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, that scared me a bit. He stated, “Sitting is the new cancer.”
Then, I started to think about how writing doesn’t always have to involve sitting.
There are several ways we can write now that we have aesthetically-pleasing office technology and ergonomics to help us.
I know a lot of this innovative office equipment can be pricey, but here are a few creative ideas:
- Hire a fitness consultant to help set up an active workspace in your office.
- Write enough content that you can buy yourself a standing desk.
- Grab an exercise ball to move your hips on while you write.
Whatever you decide, be sure the ergonomics on your desk are appropriate so you don’t cripple your body while trying to learn how to write faster.
Also, as a friendly reminder, get up and move once in a while.
Tip #10 – Edit at the End
I don’t advise plowing through your content blindly by any means.
However, it can help productivity to write fast without editing to see what flows.
If you want to give my advice a trial run:
- Write all of your content first.
- Get the bulk of your ideas out on the screen.
- Then, go back at the end to make all the tedious revisions.
Writing and editing in the same block of time, can slow down the process as it takes away from the mindset of creating content.
Write, write, and keep writing! You can fix it up later.
Tip #11 – Allow a Stream of Consciousness
This tip goes right along with editing your content at the end.
The science behind writing is that our mind needs to be fully in it to be successful.
The art of journaling is a wonderful way to create content that comes from our hearts.
Remember those diaries you kept as a kid? You wrote about anything you wanted and it all came from you naturally.
Keep a journalistic mindset and write until you feel you can’t write anymore. You will be surprised at what you can come up with and how fast you can write it with this tip. Just don’t start your writing with, dear diary…… Share on XTip #12 – Don’t Look at Deadlines
There is something about deadlines that raise my blood pressure and gets my heart beating faster.
Deadlines have a way of adding stress to our lives.
But we need writing deadlines to survive, especially in the content marketing world. However, we don’t need to obsess over them.
To help with not stressing, create your content calendar and block out your schedule. Then, you will have enough time to complete your writing when it is due.
If you need a reminder, you can check the deadline once, but that’s it!
Leave the deadline alone until you know you are near completion. Stay on track.
Tip #13 – Turn Off Notifications
Distraction is everywhere. We have multiple pieces of technology notifying us daily.
It’s time to tune some of that out while you write.
When I was experimenting to increase productivity and learn how to write blog posts faster, I decided to unplug. I didn’t unplug the computer I was writing on, of course!
You can also try turning your phone on airplane mode, turning your reminders off, and digging into your writing tasks.
Just don’t text and write.
Tip #14 – Put on Music
Let me be a little more specific here — put on music that is helpful to your writing.
Blaring hard rock or rap music may be counterintuitive to learning how to write faster. There is a science behind white noise or music without words.
It is said that putting on classical music fuels the brain cells to be smarter, work harder, and faster.
There are few streaming sites on YouTube that are uninterrupted, without words, and help promote productivity.
Check out Chillhop music, Lofi Hip-hop, or BGMC channels for instrumental music.
Kick back, enjoy the tunes, and write your heart out.
Tip #15 – Breathe
While you are writing, you still need to breathe.
The art of meditation is a proven stress reliever and can help during the various stages of writing.
Don’t stop during your writing sessions to take a meditation class. However, learn the art of methodic, deep breaths to regulate your workflow.
Writing comes from your energy, which is the center of your chi. Centering your chi with breaths will help you to write faster, better, and longer.
Just breathe.
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Tip #16 – Set Goals
Life is not all about writing.
So, go beyond your content calendar and your writing schedule, and set out to crush goals for yourself — whether these are personal, professional, or physical goals.
A great tool for goals is the Pomodoro daily journal.
The philosophy is you set five goals a day that are relatively small and if you have achieved those, you have completed your goals.
This technique alone has helped me learn how to write blog posts faster because I’m able to focus my attention and be zoned into fewer things each day.
You’ll find, as I have, that you may have more energy to give to writing when you pursue what is most important in your life.
You don’t need to complete hundreds of things in a day, just five. Simplify your goals and achieve more.
Tip #17 – Take Five
We all know that breaks are healthy for the brain. The question is when to take a break and how long should you take them?
When you are learning how to write faster, you will need to know your body’s ability to absorb that.
When I’m staring at your screen for hours, my body will need a break.
By taking five minutes to look away from the screen or walking outside for fresh air, I find myself ready to tackle my next writing task.
Look out the window, or better yet, take a tea break!
Just take five minutes away from the writing and go back with a fresh new perspective.
Tip #18 – Keep Your Workspace Clear
We all know the saying, a messy desk makes a master scholar. Not so much!
When I have a desk full of mess, I also have more to distract me from learning how to write blog posts faster.
Keeping your workspace clear is also a metaphor for keeping your mind clear. When your space is open, so is your mind.
I bet you will agree with me — when we can spread out our wings to write, we can write better and faster.
Clear your space up a bit, but keep the computer. Just a tip.
Tip #19 – Set a Timer
For those of you that simply cannot keep track of time, like me, this one will help a lot.
Get yourself a little timer or use your phone to break out the times you will need to concentrate fully.
Having a timer can keep you hyper-focused on what you doing. It’s along the same lines as those that work on deadlines.
If you feel that having a countdown will help you pump out content faster, by all means, do it. It’s been one of my best productivity tips as a writer!
Time yourself, how fast can you write?
Tip #20 – Have Multiple Screens
I’ve mentioned clearing your workspace, but that does not include computers. Having multiple monitors can allow for greater space to write.
If you can set up your workspace with one or two additional monitors running, you can eliminate distractions on your “in-view” desktop while you are writing.
I’ve experienced increased productivity with my multiple-screen setup and I love it!
Spread out your writing, making everything bigger and easier to digest. Your writing will thank you for it.
Tip #21 – Listen to Your Inner Voice
On a personal note, I encourage you to listen to your inner voice when you are writing.
If you are going to tackle how to write blog posts faster you need to trust your intuition.
Listening to your inner voice includes:
- Reading your energy levels
- Following your instincts, and
- Understanding your thresholds
Don’t push yourself too far where you break. Know your limits and adhere to them.
Write what you can, take breaks, and listen to your trusty self. No one knows you better than yourself. Health first!
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Tip #22 – Use AI Writers
For a fun, productivity tip, try boosting your writing speed by using AI writers.
These advanced tools generate readable content based on your prompts and instructions.
Some of the best AI writing assistants, provide:
- Fresh content ideas
- Alternative perspectives, and
- Suggestions for improving your writing
I’ve found that AI writers, like Bramework and ChatGPT, streamline my workflow and let me focus on shaping my content.
They’re valuable when facing tight deadlines or writer’s block. You have to remember to review and revise the output to align with your style.
Embrace AI as a supportive tool to enhance your productivity.
Tip #23 – Use the Voice Recorder on Your Phone
One of the last ways that I’ve used to learn how to write a blog post in 30 minutes, has been through capturing my ideas with my phone’s voice recorder.
It’s as simple as speaking your thoughts, ideas, or paragraphs on the go — while saving time and maintaining a conversational tone.
It’s easier for me to overcome writer’s block by verbalizing ideas aloud, which stimulates creativity and breaks my mental barriers.
Does this sound like something you would want to try?
If so, when inspiration strikes, grab your phone, open the voice recorder, and let your ideas flow.
Write Faster Wrap Up
I believe that learning how to write blog posts faster can save you time, energy, and money. Don’t rush through your writing just to get it done, instead, I encourage you to learn to use these tips to increase productivity.
At Bramework, we help your content get more click-throughs, more subscribers, and more engagement in a fraction of the time it takes you to create a blog post.
Our platform uses an AI content creator to increase your search ranking and get you seen by the right audience.
I hope these tips have helped you to learn how to write faster and better. If you have any writing tips that you would like to share, please do! I would love to hear from you.
Happy writing!
UP NEXT: 21 Best Tools for Blogging
(Original Article Date: November 27, 2020/Updated August 1, 2023)
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